Recently, We had a website that didn’t have frequent visitors, but when the visitors did come, the website would take a long time to load up the first time. This is expected behavior because IIS shuts down its worker threads.
1 approach would be to set the IdleTimeout to 0 which means the threads are never aborted (details here: Instead of that though I decided to try my hand at PowerShell and came up with the following script:
1: # List of URLS to Ping
2: $urls = @("Http://", "")
4: #Ping all URLs in the list
5: foreach ($objItem in $urls) {
6: $req=[system.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($objItem);
7: $res = $req.getresponse();
8: $stat = $res.statuscode;
9: $res.Close();
11: #Pump it out to a text file
12: $res | Out-File pingresults.txt -append
13: }
After that I set up a simple scheduled task to execute this at 15 minute intervals during business hours and walk away. Since I can schedule this when users are likely to hit the site, I have a customized “keep awake” script that provides more flexibility.
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