At my company we are in the process of migrating to a new TFS environment. As part of that we wanted to do some house cleaning and only migrate the projects that have been used recently.
We’ve got a lot of clients, each with their own project that have been created over the past 3 years. We wanted an easy way to see what the latest activity was on the project. That will give us a good view into what projects can be archived and which ones need to be moved.
I could have just gone to Source Control and did a “view history” for each project, but that would have taken a long time (and be very tedious). Instead I wrote a simple console app that digs into each project collection and project and exports some simple project/Check-in data to a CSV file. I can then open up the CSV in Excel and add other info like “Code Status”, and “Migration Status” easily.
Here is the code I used. This is a pretty basic example and TFS provides a lot more, but it did what I needed it to. As I always say, Keep it simple!
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Common;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;
namespace TFSInterrogator
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//Set up the TFS SErver URL
string tfsServer = "";
tfsServer = tfsServer.Trim();
var tfsUri = new Uri(tfsServer);
//Get the Configuration Server
var configurationServer = TfsConfigurationServerFactory.GetConfigurationServer(tfsUri);
// Get the catalog of team project collections
Guid[] gVar = new Guid[] { CatalogResourceTypes.ProjectCollection };
var collectionNodes = configurationServer.CatalogNode.QueryChildren(gVar, false, CatalogQueryOptions.None);
List<TfspcInfo> collections = new List<TfspcInfo>();
//Iterate over the list of collections
foreach (var collectionNode in collectionNodes)
Guid collectionId = new Guid(collectionNode.Resource.Properties["InstanceID"]);
var teamProjectCollection = configurationServer.GetTeamProjectCollection(collectionId);
TfspcInfo info = new TfspcInfo();
info.Name = teamProjectCollection.Name;
Console.WriteLine("Checking Project Collection:" + info.Name);
VersionControlServer versionControl = null;
//If a project collection is offline, the Version Control cannot be retrieved. This catches this scenario
versionControl = teamProjectCollection.GetService<VersionControlServer>();
catch (TeamFoundationServiceUnavailableException)
// Get a catalog of team projects for the collection
Guid[] hVar = new Guid[] { CatalogResourceTypes.TeamProject };
var projectNodes = collectionNode.QueryChildren(hVar, false, CatalogQueryOptions.None);
info.Projects = new List<TfsProjectInfo>();
// List the team projects in the collection
foreach (var projectNode in projectNodes)
TfsProjectInfo pInfo = new TfsProjectInfo();
pInfo.Name = projectNode.Resource.DisplayName;
Console.WriteLine("Checking last check in for Project :" + pInfo.Name);
// get the path to the project.
string vcpath = @"$/" + pInfo.Name + "/";
//Gets all changesets for the project and returns the most recent one.
if (versionControl != null)
List<Changeset> items = versionControl.QueryHistory(
if (items.Count > 0)
pInfo.LastCheckin = items.FirstOrDefault();
private static void WriteToFile(List<TfspcInfo> collections)
var sbLine = new StringBuilder();
sbLine.Append("Project Collection,Project,Last Check-in User, Last Check-in Date,Last Check-in Comment");
foreach (var projectCollection in collections)
Console.WriteLine("Packaging up Project Collection " + projectCollection.Name + " For Export.");
foreach (var project in projectCollection.Projects)
sbLine.Append(projectCollection.Name + ",");
sbLine.Append(project.Name + ",");
if (project.LastCheckin != null)
sbLine.Append(project.LastCheckin.Committer + ",");
sbLine.Append(project.LastCheckin.CreationDate + ",");
sbLine.Append(StringToCSVCell(project.LastCheckin.Comment) + ",");
Console.WriteLine("Exporting to File...");
File.AppendAllText("c:\\TFSExport.csv", sbLine.ToString());
public static string StringToCSVCell(string str)
bool mustQuote = (str.Contains(",") || str.Contains("\"") || str.Contains("\r") || str.Contains("\n"));
if (mustQuote)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (char nextChar in str)
if (nextChar == '"')
return sb.ToString();
return str;
public class TfspcInfo
public string Name { get; set; }
public List<TfsProjectInfo> Projects { get; set; }
public class TfsProjectInfo
public string Name { get; set; }
public Changeset LastCheckin { get; set; }
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